BALIZ: Consulting and strategy in geospatial and geographic information
BALIZ offers a range of professional advisory services in commercialization, training as well as studies and market analysis. BALIZ can be your strategic ally in the geospatial industry (geomatics, cartography, location intelligence, geomarketing), accompanying you whatever your sector of activity:

Private Sector
For large enterprises, SMEs and Startups: Becoming GEO-aware and GEO-capable, Data Integration, Spatial Analytics, Geomarketing, High-level Architecture, Enterprise Solutions.

Public Sector
For a ministry or a municipality: systems optimization, data valorization and dissemination for increased interactions with citizens, employees and partners (Open Data, Smart City, …)

Geospatial Player
For any actor in geomatics, GIS, mapping, geomarketing: Definition of the ecosystem, clarification of the supply and the demand, commercial strategy, communication plan, business and partnership development.