GeoDataDays 2022: BALIZ Becomes a Silver Sponsor of this Important GEO Event on September 14 and 15 in Poitiers, France

Translated from the original post in French: “GéoDataDays 2022: BALIZ devient sponsor Argent de cet important événement GÉO les 14 et 15 septembre à Poitiers, France”.

The 2022 GeoDataDays event, certainly the most important independent/generic event in the geospatial and geographic information industry in the entire French-speaking world (700 participants), will take place in Poitiers (Futuroscope) on September 14 and 15.

Created from the merger of the Afigéo Regional Dynamics in Geographic Information Meetings and the DécryptaGéo Meetings, it was in 2018 that the Afigéo and Décryptagéo launched the GeoDataDays.

Reader/subscriber to Décryptagéo (reference site to put in your favourites) and member of Afigéo (French association for geographic information), I always watch out of the corner of my eye what is happening in France, both on the geospatial companies than geographic information (whether public, open, sovereign, authoritative, collaborative, base, reference, as a “common” good, etc.).

Organizers and partners of the 2022 edition

Thus, BALIZ becomes Silver Sponsor of the 2022 GeoDataDays, a modest contribution commensurate with the number of BALIZ employees, 1. And that’s good, since the Silver package includes a single pass for the event.

Convinced of the quality of the programming, my reflexes and old habits will certainly make me spend most of my time in the exhibitor area, chatting with players in this industry.

Do not hesitate to contact me before or during the event so that we agree on a time to chat together.

Hope to see you there.

About BALIZ (mini-text of 50 words communicated to GeoDataDays under the BALIZ logo):

BALIZ is the consulting firm of Luc Vaillancourt, business strategist surrounding the geospatial industry in Quebec. BALIZ advises organizations and companies (supply and demand) on topics such as strategy, market intelligence, marketing, business development and partnerships.