Translated from the original post in French: “ La gouvernance des données géographiques: Livre blanc à télécharger, 2021″.
The new edition of the book “Geographic data governance” by Hervé HALBOUT & Mathieu Becker (Isogeo) is now available.
I had the chance to be interviewed as one of the 8 major witnesses, the study also has been able to count on the input of about fifteen other GIS managers (see the list on pages 42 and 43 of the document).
The transcript of our interviews will be available in an attached document, published before the end of 2021. I will have the opportunity to come back to certain points raised during this interview.

This is an update to the 2021 realities and succeeds the first edition, published in 2016. Note that what is said in 2016 is still relevant.
The 2021 document addresses the following questions:
- What are the new challenges of geographic data governance?
- How can it be implemented and what benefits can be derived from it as part of a GIS project, an SDI or an open data project?
- What challenges will geomaticians face in the years to come?