Translated from the original post in French: “BALIZ, partenaire de GéoQc2021, le rendez-vous de la communauté géomatique du 20 au 22 octobre 2021 à Québec”

BALIZ will be a “bronze” partner of GéoQc2021. Organized by the Champlain chapter of the ACSG (Canadian Association of Geomatics / CIG – Canadian Institute of Geomatics) and the OAGQ (Ordre des Arpenteurs-Géomètres du Québec), the 2021 geocongress will take place from October 20 to 22 at the Centre des des Congrès de Québec.

This major activity for the geospatial industry and practitioners is also supported by the AGSG – Montreal Section (organizer of GéoMTL 20219) and the AGMQ (Association de géomatique municipale de Québec).

The themes for this 2021 edition are:

  • Enhancement of geospatial and land data
  • Knowledge of risk in space
  • Assessment of the cadastral renovation operation
  • Emergence of the hydrospace field
  • Towards new territories