Quebec’s Geospatial Information: Adoption of the Quebec Bill 35 on Land Registration and Geodata Diffusion, October 2020

Project of law n° 35 : Law to modernize certain rules relating to land registration and to promote the dissemination of geospatial information Translated from the original post in French “Information géospatiale au Québec : adoption du projet de loi 35 sur la publicité foncière et la diffusion de l’IG, Read more…

Rapport Forrester Q2 2020 sur les plateformes d’intelligence géospatiale

Forrester Presents a Report on Geospatial Intelligence Platforms: Esri and MapInfo Are the Winners, Q2 2020

Translated from the original post in French ” Forrester présente un rapport sur les plateformes d’intelligence géospatiale: Esri et MapInfo en ressortent gagnants, Q2 2020“. Info Sources on the report : To get a copy from the report, visit the blog of MapInfo (Precisely) and fill in the form.  Forrester Read more…

Omdia Presents a Report on Cartography and Navigation Platforms: HERE Is Winner of June 2020’s Ranking

Translated from the original post in French “Omdia présente son rapport sur les plateformes de cartographie et navigation: HERE gagnant du classement de juin 2020“. HERE is successful in several industries other than the automotive industry: transportation and logistics, telecommunications and utilities, retail and media, and the public sector are Read more…

Podcast Le Spot

Luc Vaillancourt Tells About His Geospatial Entrepreneur Journey in the Podcast Le Spot, 08-26-2020

Translated from the original post in French “Luc Vaillancourt raconte son parcours d’entrepreneur en géospatial dans le podcast Le Spot, 2020-08-26“. So here is the one hour interview with Charles and his sidekick Xavier from the podcast Le Spot… I think this represents a very fine but long slice of Read more…