Translated from the original post in French: “L’ABC de la stratégie géospatiale pour les gestionnaires, par Esri Canada, 2021”.
Since 1984, Esri Canada has provided geographic information systems (GIS) that empower businesses, governments and educational institutions to make informed decisions by harnessing the power of spatial mapping and analysis.
Geospatial technology is evolving and its adoption is accelerating. The publication in November 2020 of the document “Geospatial Strategy Essentials For Managers” (in English), written by Matthew Lewin of Esri Canada and translated into French in February 2021 “L’ABC de la stratégie géospatiale pour les responsables” is a collection of thoughts and concepts on geospatial strategy.
This document is the result of research and experience working with many organizations to create and execute geospatial strategies and programs. This publication therefore attempts to synthesize a variety of lessons related to the concept of strategy and strategy development.
Geospatial Strategy Essentials revolves around three main themes :
- The arguments in favour of a geospatial strategy;
- The stages of developing a geospatial strategy;
- The importance of governance in the success of the strategy.

To know more
Download “Geospatial Strategy Essentials For Managers“.
Esri Canada‘s Blog.