Translated from the original post in French “Taille et services offerts par les 238 bureaux d’arpenteurs-géomètres au Québec, janvier 2021” ; Distribution of the size of the 238 offices of land surveyors in the Quebec province, January 2021
As part of its mission and the mandates entrusted to BALIZ, related to “geospatial affairs” and / or “geospatial in your business”, we looked at the public online directory of members of the Ordre des Arpenteurs-Géomètres du Québec (OAGQ) , which is the Quebec Order of Land Surveyors.
Indeed, the section “Find a Land Surveyor” allows you to do research by specifying zero, one or more of these criteria:
- First and / or last name of the member;
- Registration number;
- Location (city or postal code);
- Services;
- Clientele.
Even more interesting, being able to filter members working in the private sector versus those working in the public / parapublic sector:
- Show only members who work in the private sector (general public mandates); =653
- Show only members working in the public and parapublic sectors. = 196

Size of the Land Surveyors Offices
Here is a simple, non-nominative representation, breaking down the size of 238 offices according to the quantity of professionals and the business’ office(s) :

- 92 offices with 1 professional and 1 place of business;
- 1 office with 20 professionals in 8 places of business.
In short, as of January 4, 2021, there are 653 members in the directory of private sector members of the OAGQ (81 of these members are women, 11 of them have the title of “surveyor” and not “land surveyor” .

These 653 members work (and / or have founded) 238 different companies, with places of business at 324 different addresses across the Quebec province.
Offered Services
The services offered by the offices of these 653 land surveyors can be summarized as follows:

- Territory Development: 262 (40%);
- BIM (Building information modeling) : 123 (19%);
- Demarcation: 356 (55%);
- Cartography : 232 (36%);
- Location Certificate: 467 (72%);
- Certification of rental spaces: 336 (51%);
- Technical description: 466 (71%);
- Geodesy: 267 (41%);
- Hydrography / Bathymetry : 208 (32%);
- Implantation : 463 (71%);
- Artificial Intelligence : 55 (8%);
- Lidar : 226 (35%);
- Levelling: 408 (62%);
- Cadastral operation : 460 (70%);
- Photogrammetry : 165 (25%);
- Boundary Stake-Out: 454 (70%);
- Satellite positioning : 372 (57%);
- Geographic Information System (GIS) : 122 (19%);
- Remote sensing: 84 (13%);
- Topometria : 0 (0%);
- Other: 174 (27%).
BALIZ compiles, maintains and describes a directory of geospatial players. Contact us for your market intelligence needs in Quebec.