Translated from the original post in French: ”Découvrir et comprendre la gouvernance de l’information géographique, livre blanc en édition 2016 et 2021”
Downloaded more than 1,000 times when it was published in 2016, the “livre blanc” on the governance of geographic information by Halbout Consultants and Isogeo has established itself as a true reference in the world of geomatics.
Faced with the constantly evolving world of geographic data, the two companies have embarked on the drafting of an updated edition scheduled for September 2021. This second edition will focus, among other things, on feedback from the public and private sectors.
Why is good governance of geographic data necessary?
This notion applies to geographic data for several reasons :
- Spatial dispersion of resources (raw data);
- Multiplicity of actors involved in decision-making (increasingly decentralized management of France, growing idea of participatory democracy);
- Importance of communication and relationships;
- Willingness to build a network and a common vision;
- Need for management and regulation tools.
In the long term, the governance of geographic data could make it possible to organize the network of territorial actors, which would become more visible, and to make collective public decisions more legitimately.

To know more :
Find the 2016 edition of the “Livre Blanc” (source in french).